Friday, March 5, 2010

Taj Mahal, India

Wonder: Taj Mahal
Country: India
Region: Agra
Visitable: Yes
About: Taj Mahal or the epitome of love is a magnificent monument that reflects an immense love.

The Taj mesh Stands Firmly in the yamuna river on the right bank is a point where it Requires a sharp turn Eastward to the Taj mesh is Synonymous with love and romance. Taj mahal Complex Organizations in a rectangle, size approximately 310 × 550 effort. It Includes a number of Buildings, Structures, all as a Funerary Monument to mumtaz Mahal • Operational.

The whole building complex particularly Consists of five major Components of darvaza (Home Gateway), bageetsha (Garden), a Moscow (the Moscow), nakkar around the khair khana (rest room), Rosa (Main Mausoleum).

Taj ganj area led to the southern gate to enter the forekourt of the Taj mahal complex, although the door to the East and West jilaukhana March often Visitors. After the two Doors are the same, with the central government pointed to that the arch crown with guldastas (Ornamental Flowers Steeple) Octagonal Pilasters on E sides of pishtax.
In the southern gate, is similar to the vertical Degrees, East and West. Because the site, which slopes in a course river bank slope, the door is 2.4 meters higher the ground elevation jilaukhana themselves. 2 Market Street Started in the East, the West gate, and led to jilaukhana. In the market include (hujra) single room balcony on the balcony the support of Multi - kusped arch slender column. The jilaukhana with a 128 hujra levels equal to the room a great Courtyard Garden.

The jilaukhana Northeast is khavasspuras, two Residential lid. The khavasspuras North close to the South seat, left the door to the East and West. The khavasspuras cover the southern end of a road outside the space toilet. Smiling two sahel Projects (under the Subsidiary Graves) in the east and western jilaukhana shell are two other Wives of the tomb of quiet jahan body. In the rhizobium boat cover in the garden, style Kahn firebag Arrangements for water from the central swimming pool Surrounded by peacock Walkways.

The grave is Octagonal - Shaped Buildings, one - story building, the base build. Walls form a multi - kusped Mall. S. Construction and Wearing a red Sandstone base, the structure of white marble of the spherical dome. "Internally, on the tombs of the sahel, southern Gateway to Sailing the project have led to the monument. Brick wall is the opposite color in the mainland of China: the wall Wearing a white marble, while the Jolly and ceiling of the Sandstone.
The big door (darvaza - Ⅰ Rosa) is a great opening with the door, based ternari structure of the Measures, nearly 38 meters, the perimeter wall, with the Turret, is 30 meters tall. Current pishtak, also Includes the Turret, 33 meters high, 19 meters wide. The door is a decorative plate with red Sandstone and white marble Accents.

Yvonne the position contains a red Sandstone, which contrast with the white plaster Coating mukarnas an Overview of each section. Flat 11 random pishtak is a red Sandstone arch of tshajja limit series. The line arrangement of Architectural Elements found in the North and the South side of the door with the Taj complex moral, Hierarchical structure of its Internal design consistent. Gatevay curve, Adding to engage in tower, is also a red Sandstone, the Items, and Accepting good advice, the Towers of white marble Decorated with frames.

In the southern Sea of top - notch darvaza arch - Ⅰ Rosa the main tourist part of the structure building • mumtaz Mahal for the first time to see. Flank darvaza - 1 Rosa the North, Two Pairs, as the South article, 1 East, one to the West, ignoring a large garden, in front of the main Mausoleum known as the multifolyate arch arkaded article. In the Distinction between external and Internal Scharping Mall listed on its basis only Fitting: outside there are garden flower decoration Implied. Article of the platform extension to the garden, and his decorative Ceramic tile Laying Patterns Facing the garden. Article Terminated and Galleries used to come into a room, east and west ends.
A shallow - water canal (river) is the main transit center, a ekvidistanse line running under the lake fountain. Geometrical Patterns Painted in red Sandstone regular and Elongated star decoration on each side edge of the river road running. The Intersection of the main aisle is a square pool for the center (high) platform. 5 fountain is Located inside the fuel tank, every one in his four seeds in its center. The Termination of two East - West pedestrian Kiosks (naubat Hannah), said to the outer wall of the Merger. Akvedukt water to the garden of the yamuna River to the north of the Mausoleum. Konnekted through a copper pipe underground system of copper vessel operation of the central fountain. In the meantime, the Gardens, less Trees, particularly with lawn Grasses remain safe.

2 naubat Hanna (drum house) is Built on a high platform, and two Floors. Not all the same, naubat Hanna is a center in the East and western Highlands three artshes, Respectively. On the ground, the arch is Closed and the Residue within the screen, in the Upper, they remain open. Right next the Walls of the Items on the floor and below the formation of the story, as the balcony of the establishment of a long - term, the red Sandstone Carved be the length of the Handrail, and Carving Sandstone beneath it in Brackets to help support. The tahkhana, a place in konsekutive Galleries and a narrow corridor Connecting to obtain two Staircases decline was mainly due to the Mausoleum in the east and western base of the surface Openings.
In secondary Schools, square marble base, 93 meters long, is Focused on the Sandstone terrace. The right tomb, and four minarets Flanking it is based on the marble pedestal. Is based on the base and plant Decorations, this is the Mausoleum of white marble cargo Subtle Carving.

The Mausoleum at the Taj mesh complex, the central location is a two - loud, Octagonal - Shaped design. Remaining in their channel of mumtaz Mahal and quiet jahan • monument. Yo it tshamber of the chamber, the ceiling of the shallow dome, and with each of the Walls Decorated two - story sanctuary. In the principal axis of the Niches have Residue on the screen within the Walls, Allowing light to enter the site, the external face of the device. Diagonal axis of Rectangular Niches at the door. American is Divide into Upper and lower an Inscription of the story, one is a band around the mainland. In the Upper, the frames to replace the mukarnas's beginning to change a Domed Octagonal ring design. Shallow dome, which is used in the Construction of the second half of double - ball, which appeared at that time with a decorative mukarnas Extended Mode support base.

The tomb floor Tiles in Alternating circle - Shaped Modules, each Inlaid Octagonal star Outlined in black marble stone. The Octagonal shape of each screen is Divide in three Teams to the marble side, there is only one open visit to the monument. • in the mumtaz Mahal monument is a Rectangular Decorated with Koranic verses on a platform in the Upper and lower than Blacks on the basis of the course model.
In the Mausoleum of the roof is a tall drum, in order Bulbs Measured 17.6 meters wide and 25.6 meters high dome - Shaped. 4 tshhatris Oblique on the side drum. The platform provides the following Gardens, which is Accessed by a staircase on the first floor, one lying on the side of the entrance to the tomb. Four highest Plans for the Mausoleum Reflected in symmetry. The two Flanking the center of the structure of Arched Niches pishtak curb blind up and down. Every corner of the building has tshamfered height (to the Northeast, Northwest, Southeast and Southwest).

The semester, under the structure of the central pishtax, and other similar form of complicated, it is Inlaid decoration thuluth poetic Inscriptions from the Koran. The pishtak's Highest point, is a linear model between the two konsekutive years of floral design to extend the cap to engage guldastas column. Relative to the larger random pishtax, the two Sub - pishtax very well treated, and in the black and dark yellow herringbone Inlay decoration outside the high Pilasters. The Pilasters on E sides of a square plate, horizontal and vertical as - Shaped structure, in their bases.
Moscow and mihmankhana are Located in the western and east parts of the Mausoleum building. Symmetry and signs the same, presumably, from the first record of building the Mosque, and then at mihmankhana. The mask wall, a recess in the Worship, the son of a marble Inscription structure for Sura known. The floor of the Mosque there are also different mihmankhana, this is the Muslim prayer rug design. The Completion of the ceiling in the sgraffito technology in more than one white plaster jacket to add a red component. Flower design, sculpture, past red layer, appear in white.

Xenon To contains stepvell (Pauli), which is due mihmankhana the South tshamber of Commerce that led to the bathroom. Pauly Plaza and the Southwest region have a good run to reduce the Structural Center axis and, through his five - layer extension: 3 subjects, two below. The two tower Pavilion North of the Mosque and mihmankhana with the leadership of the lower tshamber of Commerce, the bathroom, stairs and the leadership of the riverbed. The four Towers each of the river Octagonal plan. Every tower is Surrounded by a dynamic external path around the main room. The external Walls of a number of blind kusped artshes, every platform is an Orielle window with River Views (jharoka). The tower is Wearing a red Sandstone Carved in relief with Floral Patterns Inlaid marble board.

The Taj mahal is Built by mughal emperor quiet jahan (1628-1658), Akbar's' Great Grandson, in his queen arjumand me One proves, Entitled mumtaz Mahal • Persian Muslim princess from memory. Queen's real name was arjumand Banyu. In the mughal tradition, an important royal Waves to give their marriage in another name or in some other important event in life, the new name is Commonly used with the public.
She many in her caffeine to accompany burhanpur break after her husband slobber birth to their 14th child's rebellion. • When mumtaz Mahal was still alive, she Extracted the emperor four Commitments: first, he Built the Taj morals; moment, he should get married again; Third, he loves to children; fourth, his visit to the tomb of the anniversary of her death. However, it is not been Provan to be true, until the day.

According to legend, in his wife's death, mum jahan Locked in his room and Refused to 8 days, when the emperor Emerged from the Seclusion of his food, his black beard can be found in a number of mughal Miniature Paintings have Turned into white . Monument for his wife, mum jahan Chose a corner of the Sprawling on the left bank of the yamuna River Gardens to make the map. 6 months later, her body is Transferred to Agra, the Taj morale will be the last Embodiment of the main tomb in the basement. • Taj mahal is a two - mumtaz Mahal and quiet jahan's tomb.

In the Taj mahal was Built in 1631, and spent about 22 years to build socialism. It Allows for the delivery of Construction Materials 22.000 vorkers and 1.000 Elephants Services. Komposite material used in the Taj morale, brick, Sandstone and white marble. Brick sizes Ranging 18-19 x 11-12.5 × 2.3 centimeters, the standard size of the rule of itself - Akbar. The Bricks are Baked in the cool the Outskirts of Agra. The use of Sandstone in a complex with different colors of soft red and Yellow color is red. White marble of rajasthan, India, about makrana Quarries. 400 kilometer Southeast from Agra. The use of marble in the complex is a white black and gray Stripes.

Construction of the Biggest technical Issues in the Taj mesh is a difficult Superstructure of a Nearby River. This is a kased hole Completion of wood and Debris, and iron in 3.75 meters, the center Spacing, to fill. Precious Stones, semi - precious Stones, as in other parts of the tomb complex decoration. The Stones, included Lapis lazuli, sapphire, agate, jasper, Peridot, and Valerian. A Disciplined colors and decorative details of decoration can be China in the Taj morale. Flovers relief found in marble and Sandstone Walls, The Carvings are the work style of the pyetra Dura, but all Efforts in Accordance with their structure and Furnishing Materials.

Taj mahal Architecture is a Persian, Central fall and islamik Architecture for a class of Integration. The specific plan shares is uncertain, is determined according to various sources istad not, ustad ACHEMA Latorre, Isa Muhammad effendi, or geronimo's Verona. However, the Construction Documents Show, the main architect istad the United States, he was a famous islamik Architecture. The documents, included employment and the Construction material and a list of names of origin. And the Characteristics of the entire complex is obvious in such a way the Organic Unity of the total can not cover any part of the Personality, do not Detract of the Taj morale increase stress. It was Completed in 1648, 32 million Rupees (over 75 million U.S. Dollars) fee.


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