Friday, March 5, 2010

Machu Picchu, Peru

Wonder: Machupicchu
Country: Peru
Region: Cusco
Visitable: Yes
About: One of the new seven wonders, the most beautiful Inca city and the main archeological site of America.

Upon his return to the United States, Bingham decided to organize an expedition to Peru.Bingham returned to Cusco, the receiver of his foot and by mule Urubamba River basin, in the past ollantaytambo to the Urubamba River Valley. 237 Yue Bingham and his party stationed at a place called Panpa Man dole, which is made Melchor yaga, the local farmers who leased the river curiosity. Bingham received Almeida, sa tagaytay opposite the camp on top of a wide range of ruins, the Almeida, his people Quechua, called Machu Picchu, or "Old Mountain."Bingham pay Arbeaga even showed fragments. In his view, saying it is too difficult to withdraw such a wet day, and only Seargeant Carrasco and Jaga, accompanied by Bingham left the camp. The river climbed the steep slopes, until they reached bangalore at noon.
Bingham break in a cottage, the group received the warm hospitality of the farmers. They told him that they are living for about four years, and explained that they found fertile land in the terrace of a wide range of systems, decided to be vegetation. Bingham They said that the debris near the search, he received guidance, 11-year old Pablito Alvarez, to lead him.

Almost immediately drew a corner of the old terraced wide perspective. No more than a century, has recently been deleted and the forest recovery. Here the little Pablito began to show an immediate Bingham white granite masonry of the best historians have never seen an example to determine the wall series.

According to Bingham, said: "I came to the beautiful Urubamba Valley Inca citadel. From the cold cliff which, by elimination of a great river to escape through the granite mountain system. Path is the guide Peer country charm. There is the wonderful Canadian Rocky Mountains, as well as the wonderful beauty of Bali near Nuuanu Honolulu, as well as drainage koolau Trail Maui stunning scenery, my country..
Machu Picchu the ancient Incan city name, as a part of the new seven wonders list. Global vote since 1999, accumulated an early stage of almost 20 million votes. The final decision on July 7 in Lisbon, Portugal, Machu Picchu, one of the new seven wonders of the modern world, the name in 2007 to meet the city Cusqueño (Cuzco people). Machu Picchu in Peru and the United States is a major archaeological site, and can best places in the world.


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