Friday, March 5, 2010

Chichen Itza, Mexico

Wonder: Chichen Itza
Country: Mexico
Region: Yucatan
Visitable: Yes
About: Chichen Itza is the religious center more amazing of the Mexican history and one of citadels Mayan more ancient.

The famous Mayan pyramids of Chichen Itza (Tung Chee-hwa chehn Eastern European Time, subarachnoid hemorrhage) in the Maya literally means "mouth of the well-Itza," the name of Chichen Itza is a Mayan word: Chi (oral) , Chen (wells) and Qin (Qin tribe), located 75 miles east of Merida, the capital of the Yucatan peninsula, Mexico. This site among the most important Mayan culture, and covers an area of about 6 square kilometers.

In the architectural features, Chichen Itza, and are directly related to Toltec style, Maya is a "game", "Castle", "Group's 1000 column", "Hong Kong Tzompantli" the construction of Eagle, "" Temple de guerrero "and" markets. "All these buildings have the same decoration motives found in Tula. The most common representation is the soldiers and Quetzalcoatl.
The main attractions is the central part of the pyramid, area, based on strengthening the pyramid, about 75-foot-high castle Plumed Serpent, which means "Castle of the Plumed Serpent," is described at the top. In the feathered serpent god is a common several Central American cultures. "The Castle" is without doubt the local ceremony, the descendants of Kukulcan. Pyramid has special astronomical layout, the formation of a play of light and shadow.March 21 snake metaphor of the body down from the temple at the top of the pyramid and reach the head at the foot of the stairs.

As long as Castillo is a golf course beyond the Mayan men under the big games, the so-called love Dabo. Anthropologists believe that the goal of the game, including throwing the ball through a ring is mounted on the wall, 7 meters above the ground. Game ball in Central America, the largest is 168 meters long, 70 meters wide.

Shaq the temple property, in its internal walls and pillars painted sculptures of feathers snake, warriors and priests. The upper part of the construction is only partially reflected his true greatness. There are three carved masks, long nose on the outside walls and corners. In the interior wall of the dome are paintings depicting scenes of war and daily life. Altar tables and chairs, it may serve as the throne of the VIP seats.
In the Temple of the Warriors "is not the top of the temple, which enter the column is usually Toltec. The other building is not Toltec seal is" skeletons wall. "These buildings are destined to become a cemetery for the mobilization of years. Every 52 years the ancient Maya and other cultural ties to complete a cycle of bundles. platform Venus or dance, Saint wells or wells sacrifices, Tzompantli, shown in the figures, in relief of the skull.

The ruins of the central group can be found at:

Red house or Chichan touch, this building is located on elevated platforms, from the fragments of red paint were found inside. The word "Chichan touch" means "small holes" which may imply the roof ridge of lime. Structure consists of a hall and three bedrooms, and has hieroglyphs carved into the main conference hall. In the building must have a religion and public use, there is a ball game to join the east, with reliefs of the Maya, Toltec style.
El caracol, or the Hong Kong Observatory this structure is called the center because of its shape and some of the possible association of the Stars, from the astronomical event of the Venus and the sun set on the three top of the window. The name "Caracol" (shell) from the spiral staircase leading to the high-rise buildings.

Church, this small building has a room named after its proximity to the "monastery of nuns and exuberant ornament on it, so as to further enhance its high-top comb. You can see a large area covered by the original painted headdress of the Central Committee of the . "Bigner" key elements of the mask, positive, there sat the figure of God or the ancestors built in the nose, a central mask. There are figures, the four major operators in the corner of paradise ", Bacabs" or "Pauahtun" kneeling on the side panels. It seems that to build a number of difficulties, so that the building was rescued in the first three masks comb and decided to delete the details of the roof. So far, no one knows what the function of this building, despite the overload decorated buildings, is one of the best example of the construction Puke Qi Itza.

Temple inscriptions, in the name of the building from the relief sculpture of the north and south walls of the colonnades in the scenes depicted in many people, plants and animals, both real and imagined, which is mainly by the two soldiers. The building has a temple built in front of its board colonnades. These products are found during the examination of fire - related to the ceremony.

All regions, we can see comfortably day. You should also enjoy the wonderful light and sound show, held every night. Chichen Itza at the entrance, there is a wealth of museums, restaurants, clean lounge, gift shop and a number of suppliers kiosks.


Chichen Itza is the solution of 500 to AD 900 years of Maya and for some reason abandoned around 900, when the city 100 years after resettlement, and subsequently invaded Toltecs from the North. There are many different relief as the god Quetzalcoatl Mayan god Chac and the Toltec. For some reason, the city was abandoned 1300. If Spain does not make any policy to kill all of the Mayan priests and burning books when they arrive in Mexico, there should be a response.

The site is divided into two groups. A group belonging to the classical era, built in the 7-year-old and 10 AD, when the city became an important ritual center. Another group corresponds to Toltec, Maya, as the latter part of the 10th century to the early 13th century, the region including the Holy Well, and most are still pending.

When the Chichen Itza for the first time to solve the problem, mainly agriculture. Since many cenotes in the region has always been a very good solution. In the middle stages of the classical period, known as fluorescence (625-800 years) where the arts and sciences to flourish. It is in this time become the religious center of Chichen Itza the importance of increasing evidence of the building: Red House, the House of Representatives deer, Nunnery and its annexes, the church, Akab Dzib, the temple three lintels and the House of Representatives phalluses.

Towards the end of the classical period, from AD 800-925, the basis of this magnificent civilization weakened, Maya abandon their religious centers and the surrounding rural land. A new, smaller data center construction and major cities such as Chichen Itza visited only to perform religious ceremonies, or bury the dead. The qin to give up their city in the late 7th century AD, and living in the west coast of the peninsula about 250 years. However, in the 10th century, they returned to Chichen Itza.

In 1000 AD the Itza allied themselves with around two powerful tribes, XIO and Batumi, all claiming to be descendants of Mexicans. This alliance is beneficial to Ica nearly two centuries.In the meantime, the people of Chichen Itza added to the site buildings to withstand touch Toltec art: porch, art galleries, colonnades and sculptures representative of snakes, birds and Mexico God.

In the Toltec influence Itza in more ways than just architecture. They also expressed their religion on the odd piano, which means that a large-scale human sacrifice. They expanded the territory north of the Yucatan Peninsula, and association with Mayapan and Uxmal. As a political basis for Chichen Itza expanded to include the city's most spectacular buildings: the Observatory, Kukulcan Pyramid, the Temple of the Warriors, the game, the group's 1000 column. The Warriors have been pillars of the temple sculpture in low relief, retaining many original color. Murals decorate the walls. It is surrounded by numerous devastation became known as 1000 columns. In 1194, the Alliance to break the Mayapan and submitted to Chichen Itza and Uxmal. The city has gradually abandoned.


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